Going Beyond the Surface of Your Brand

Strategy, insights, random thoughts on branding commercial building trades

brand mindset growth mindset

What’s a Brand Mindset & Do You Need One?

Having a brand mindset is a key business strategy available to everyone regardless of business size. Branding isn’t about having a pretty website and a fancy business card. And it isn’t your logo. (If you’re new here, we’ve covered this before, check out this Branding 101) Branding isn’t a set it and forget it kind of…

customer price fixation

How to Stop Customers From Fixating on Price

‘Can you do it cheaper?’ ‘The guy down the road is selling the same thing for $15 less…’ Sound familiar? Frustrating as hell, right? You do kick-ass work. You shouldn’t have to justify an extra couple of bucks per hour. So how do you stop people from asking? Convey your worth before they even contact…

super-secret sexy sales weapon

The Super-Secret Sexy Sales Weapon You’re Overlooking

What if I told you there’s a super-effective sales weapon that already exists in your company – and once you use it right, it will make everything easier in your business? Sound like click-bait? Too good to be true? It’s not. Seriously, you have a super-secret sexy sales weapon just waiting to be uncovered in…


Remodeling Your Brand for a Big Anniversary

Let’s be blunt. Your firm needs a makeover before the big anniversary year that’s coming up. Your company does great work, but the last time you had a brand refresh, flip phones were still a thing. You’ve been busy building your company, and as you contemplate the upcoming anniversary, you can see that the brand…

upgrade your brand assets - blog image

Is It Time to Level Up Your Business?

 Let’s be honest, pandemics suck. So many jobs lost and businesses devastated as the ramifications of closing our country cascades through every industry. Hopefully, your business has not been affected too much. You’ve survived by being lucky or by resilience earned through past storms. Either way, you may have found yourself with unexpected time…

build your personal construction brand

The Power of Personal Branding

I’ve been helping frustrated firms in the construction industry look and sound as credible online as they are offline since the ‘90s, and it’s safe to say our industry’s seen some tough times before – but nothing quite like this. You might think I’m here to tell you that you need to rebrand yourself and that…


Which Is More Important, Marketing or Branding?

We’ve already covered the difference between marketing and branding before, but a little refresher won’t do any harm: What is marketing? Marketing is the overall strategy and act of promoting a product or service. Marketing pushes your message and stimulates demand for your products and services using advertising campaigns. If done well, marketing gets your…

Strategy first approach to stand out on the shelf

How to Create a Brand Strategy so Your Company Stands Out on the Shelf?

Let’s look at brand strategy from another angle. When you’re looking at your own brand, it can help to take a step back and look at it from another angle. When I run my brand workshops, I always ask my clients to imagine their company as an option on a supermarket shelf. What grocery store…


Do You Have an Authentic Brand Inside & Out?

avoid brand decay and becoming an accidental commodity

Has Your Company Become an Accidental Commodity?

Brand decay, accidental commodity… what the hell are we even talking about?! Well, this week I wanted to chat about something that happens way too often to good companies that can end up becoming invisible and destroying their business. (ominous music plays) Brand decay can happen when you allow things to become outdated. So, what…