Going Beyond the Surface of Your Brand

Strategy, insights, random thoughts on branding commercial building trades

what is rebranding

What Is a Rebrand?

The terms brand, branding, and rebranding are thrown around a lot these days and the concepts can be a bit overwhelming and confusing. If you are feeling this, you’re not alone! Learn what is a rebrand and what you need to know before attempting a rebrand There is a lot of jargon out there that…

align your brand

What Is Brand Alignment & Do I Need an Aligned Brand?

If we compared the messages on your website to your ad campaigns, brochures, and social posts – and what your sales team is saying in the field – would it be cohesive? Is there brand alignment, or is it all disjointed? If your brand is outdated, confusing, or a jumbled hot mess… keep reading. The…

work on your brand - have boundaries you will

What Does Yoda Have to Do With Protecting Your Ass(ets) and Aligning Your Brand?

You have insurance for the hard assets, but what about your soft assets? Your employees, your loyal client base, your culture, your family, and most importantly your personal give-a-damn? Protect your assets you will. You may be asking: But how can investing in my brand protect all of these people? Before we get to that,…

can a rebrand save my business

Can Rebranding Save a Business?

Rebranding done for the wrong reason can be an expensive nightmare, a cosmetic exercise that’s equivalent to putting a Band-Aid on your knee when you have a broken leg. Rebranding is adapting and evolving. Every company will eventually rebrand, sooner or later, and sometimes multiple times over the company’s lifetime. Rebranding is a healthy realignment…

If your company is blending in you might become an accidental commodity!

Are Branding Issues Causing Your Company to Be Invisible?

You know your company does amazing work. So why aren’t you dominating your market with amazing sales figures? You have great referrals and repeat customers but new prospects aren’t knocking on your door. But are you stuck in the low bid nightmare of RFPs? Do you struggle to attract new employees? But, deep down you know…

branding truths

7 Branding Truths to Save Your Business

Figuring out your brand can be daunting. It can be scary to look at your business – and I mean REALLY look at it. If you’re not sure if you’re heading down the right road, some universal branding truths will help steer you in the right direction. Don’t worry, Branding & Beyond’s got you! Branding…

business computer flatline

The 5 Brand Killers You Need to Avoid

Your brand might have started strong, but even the mightiest brands can get weak over time. If you’re a bodybuilder and you get buff beyond belief, you have to pump iron in the gym daily and consume ridiculous calories. If you stop putting the time and effort into nurturing those biceps, they’ll eventually disappear, and…

Reinvigorate your brand

3 Tips To Reinvigorate Your Brand Now

Ok, so the world still feels slightly crazy, despite 2020 being a distant memory. You might not have control over the market right now, but you do have control over how you’re positioned in it and what you’re doing to attract new prospects. It’s time to kick things back into action and focus on the things…

B2B does not mean borning to boring

B2B Does Not Mean Boring to Boring

B2B does not mean boring to boring or building to building. Technically it is business to business, but those businesses are still made of people. And people like dealing with other people. People have personalities and nuance, and so does your business. Read on as I share my thoughts with The Branding Journal in this…

Outgrown your brand? Have a brand wedgie?

Do You Have a Brand Wedgie?

I would like to thank the wonderful Karen Adamsbaum, CIC, for having me on her podcast Risk Intelligence. What’s riskier than ignoring your website for years and walking around with a brand wedgie? I believe that every CEO should provide their biz dev/sales team with tools that don’t suck. Your team is out there busting…